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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

just whose head do I need to chew off???

I am really, really frustrated today, and it is doing nothing for my health.... I know my blood pressure is really high again and there isn't much i can' do about it right now..

After telling us all that our soldiers would be home this week, it turns out that they forgot to schedule a plane for them to all come home on. Which means that no one knows when they will now be coming home. could be next week, could be 3 weeks...
this is NOT acceptable!!!!!
i have scheduled time off from work, and really can't push those dates around at this point. And I know i am not the only service member family that is being screwed with because of this. it's all just really frustrating and upsetting at this point. I am really hoping that they can pull off some sort of miracle and still manage to get them home this week. This is all starting to take a toll on my health again and i really can't and shouldn't be dealing with all this stress right now.

sorry, but i just had to get some of this out before i started banging my head against the wall... If anyone actually reads this. please keep us in your prayers for a speedy resolution..

Thanks for letting me whine

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