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Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Last Friday our little foster girl left us. It is a good move for her. They found a foster placement that could take her and her siblings, so they can all be together again. So ti's a good thing for her. Has been hard for me though. Tom was gone most of last week, working on a little island out in the middle of nowhere. The sort of place where you bring all your food with you because there isn't anything at all out there. So he wasn't home for the transfer. So this week is Thanksgiving. Tomorrow I run out to the airport to pick Bree up. Will just be us and all the girls this year as the boys are all off working the slope this week. I'm finding it very hard to get into the holiday spirit this year. If I didn't know there'd be mutiny I'd be tempted to skip the big dinner and all, as it is, we're doing things on Friday cuz the girls wanted to go do dinner at their grandparent's house on Thursday (and, surprise, their mother is going to be flying up to be there this year as well... Bailey was not thrilled and will not be going, Mattie wasn't keen either, but it was too late for her and she will be going anyway...) Going to keep things fairly simple though this year. Last night was the first good, solid night's sleep I've had in about 2 weeks. The waiting and not knowing was really messing me up, along with the stress of trying to get everything cleaned back up in time for this week. It's just hard though. I'm getting the room all ready for Christmas though, just in case we get another placement by then. I really hope we get an adoptable placement soon. I need that. Really. I need that.

Sunday, November 04, 2012

Ok.. I swear I posted last month.. I know I did.. *sigh* anyway. It has been crazy and hectic and tear inducing. And, oh please let this be the end of it. So, last month we had H's caseworker come to do a home visit. I haven't actually had the time to clean the house since her arrival, so I was trying to get the worst of it taken care of. In doing so, I managed to wrench my back. So, massive amounts of pain. So needed to go see the chiropractor, so did not have time for it, because we had the home visit, then the next day we were having our septic tank pumped, and then I needed to take M to go get her eyes checked out and get new glasses. So it was basically a week before I was able to go and get my back taken care of. Then the usual massage therapist, whom I have seen since my accident in 2007, no longer works there, so saw a new guy, and youch! he dug deep and got everything worked out, but it took me 2 days to recover from the pain of that. Chiropractor was able to get me adjusted as well and over all, it was good, except that on the way home, the truck died on me.. *sigh* wound up being something simple and stupid, but we weren't able to get that sorted until it was towed home the next day.. I really wish that were the end of it.. Halloween afternoon, I got a call from the case worker, wanting to set up a visit with H's mom for later that afternoon. We get there and find out, after waiting 20 minutes, that mom doesn't have gas money and we need to go meet her. So we all haul over there for a quick visit, missing daddy's phone call for the evening, and half the things we'd planned for Halloween itself. Then we get home to find out that M had taken off with her sister into Anchorage for the evening, which was allowed, _IF_ she had finished her homework, which she hadn't, so she wasn't supposed to go. But since no one was home to enforce it, and she certainly wasn't going to tell her sister that she couldn't go.. so now M is grounded.. That's still not the end. Thursday morning, M comes up as everyone is getting ready for school/work, and informs us that the basement has flooded.. *sigh* so, Tom does what he can and ends up taking most of the day off from work.. and we eventually call the plumber.. we eventually wind up thinking we'd gotten everything taken care of... and we started the clean up... and things went well.. until Saturday. We were getting ready to leave for M's roller derby practice when the water sensor that Tom installed Thursday went off. so.. instead of going anywhere, I called the plumber again and we waited. They came and checked things again, and it was determined that the clog was out in the tank, and they couldn't reach it with the stuff they had on the truck. So today we went and rented the power auger and ran the lines ourselves.. *sigh* Hopefully we finally got everything settled and it will all behave itself now. I really don't think I can handle anymore stress. Today we also got a call from the caseworker letting us know that H will be moving, likely sometime this week, into a home with her siblings. We will be sad to see her go, but it will be good for her.