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Sunday, December 12, 2010

Thanksgiving and etc...

I have been meaning to post about Thanksgiving, but other things keep happening and I just haven't gotten around to it yet.
Our clever original plan was for Bailey to host the festivities on Saturday. She and her sisters would be going to their grandparent's for Thursday. The younger girls got in Wednesday evening and their father wasn't going to be home until Friday afternoon, so we were going to have our stuff on Saturday. This also worked well because Saturday was the grand baby's 3rd birthday. Then, of course, things happened and with about a week's notice, we had to move things back to our house and for later in the day. (The father of one of Bailey's friends had passed away and the funeral service was set for the same time Saturday.) So lots of hectic cleaning and moving of stuff occurred here to make enough room for the big group we were expecting to have. We had moved out of our master bedroom the month before so we could get ready for some remodeling, so it was hastily turned into a dining room.
Things eventually turned out quite well. Bailey and I split up the cooking duties, though, with her being at the funeral, I wound up with most of it, which is fine, since usually I do it all. (This is the first year she's been up here.) We had more then enough food and no one went away hungry. Not everyone was able to make it, their grandparents and aunt/uncle and cousins were all out sick, so we only had 8 instead of 14 people there, but it was a fun time. After dinner we had presents for the birthday girl, as well as Christmas presents for the younger step daughters since they won't be here for that. Then everyone went into the living room and played games.
Next year, who know what we will be doing. The younger girls won't be here, but hopefully Bailey will have her own house by then and maybe she'll get to host the day.

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