... Cuz things may not be meaning what you thought they meant....
Ok, so as mentioned previously, I'd injured my hip. I made an appointment for last Monday with my chiropractor to have that worked on.. I've seen him twice now and hip seems to be more or less all better, I go in again next week to make sure...
But, Sunday at church, I was in a good deal of pain and asked for a Priesthood blessing. In this blessing I was told a few things. Most important to this story is this: That I was definately in need of medical assistance, that that if I wanted to improve, I would have to follow the doctor's orders carefully. This seemed a bit of overkill for the hip, but things then started to worry me... I started going all paranoid that there was something else wrong that I wasn't seeing. Well, at me second appointment yesterday with my chiropractor, this cough i've been having for a while popped in and it was brought to my attention just how long i've had the thing and that i should see someone for it..
There was the nudge I needed to understand the blessing, so this morning I called a local doctor's office and made an appointment. Managed to get in this morning, which really shocked me, but has turned out to be a very good thing.
The good news... I'm alive.. and moving and alert.. these are all apparently options for not happening...
Turns out that I'm seriously anemic (as in why havne't I started turning blue aorund the edges yet??) my blood ox level is down right around where they start passing out O2 tanks, and my bloos presure is up near stroke levels.. so... I was sent home with a slew of meds to take and am to go back in a week to see if anything is helping.. once we get all of this under control then we can start digging for a cause. It is possible that this is just some nasty cyclical thing in response to the local volcano, and we're really hoping for that one.. at least I am.. as it would mean that once we get that cycle broken, this will all go away and I won't need all these extra meds.
This does at least explain why I haven't been able to loose weight though.. at least somewhat... so I suppose that's a good thing. the knowing why that is...
Anyway.. any and all good thoughts, prayes, positive energy vibes, etc that anyone wants to send my way would be greatly apprechiated.
Little Monkey
10 years ago