Well, lots have happened in the last few months. We have enjoyed doing doggie fostering. We have fostered 3 little boys so far, and wound up keeping one of them. The second little guy is a pommie (mix?? no one knows..) who had suffered abuse from his several past owners. He'd been sent to the pound twice. He had a lot of trust and behavioral problems, but you could tell that he really wanted to be a good boy, he just didn't know how. We've been working with him the last 2 months and he is already showing wonderful improvements, so, yay!
Christmas came and went. The girls were here and we all had a good time. I think they enjoyed their time here and the gifts they got this year.
And our big news is that we have decided to work with the state and are going to go through the foster to adopt system. We went to our first orientation meeting last week, and today we turned in the first round of paperwork, background information, and got our fingerprints taken, so now we start the first round of waiting. So glad to be finally moving forward on this. yay!
Little Monkey
10 years ago