I haven't properly been on Facebook since, like Thursday of last week. This is not my doing, but for some reason, it loaded fine Friday morning, but we were in a rush to get Hubby to the airport for work, and when I got home later that afternoon, it wouldn't load properly and I haven't been able to get it to behave itself all weekend. It is hitting me pretty hard.. all my long distance friends are there, some I don't even have proper email or regular mail addresses for. It's the week before Christmas and so much is going on that I want to read about or share with friends and family (not to mention it's about my only means of contact at present with my 2 youngest step daughters..) and it's driving me crazy. I've been trying to get the spare laptop to let me on, but so far, no luck there. I'm about to go drag out the kids' computers (They usually get shuttered when they aren't here) and try them.
Meanwhile, if any of my friends from there are checking in.. I'm not ignoring everyone, I'm just locked out :( hoping I can find my "keys" soon. I know they were doing updates again recently and suspect I might be a "randomly effected account" in some mess up from that.. problem is, I can't even get to the part of their pages to complain about it... sheesh..
otherwise.. Merry Christmas!! Happy New Year!! Happy Holidays in general!
Little Monkey
10 years ago