Ok, so.. Thanksgiving is over and I can sit still and breathe again for a moment... maybe...
For the last several months we've been ramping up and trying to get things ready and all set for my husband's deployment. Part of that included switching my two younger step daughter's winter visitation from the originally scheduled Christmas this year to Thanksgiving. We managed to get that done, and we decided to go ahead and do a mini-Christmas while they were here as well.
This meant that lots of things had to get done in time.. and sadly, every time hubby was home from his job (he works on the north slope oil fields and is generally gone from home for 2-6 weeks at a time with 2 weeks back home inbetween..) the national guard stole him away for training, so it wound up that I had to take care of everything. This not only included getting things ready for the holidays, but since he was never home, it meant that I pretty much had to get all his gear ready for deployment as well. And then I spend most of the month of October out with a really REALLY nasty cold/infection.. so.. I've been looking forward to the the post holiday break... I've now pretty much got nothing to do.. No one will be here for Christmas/New Years except myself and the dogs, so it's going to be pretty low-kwy and laid back...
Don't get me wrong, Thanksgiving was lots of fun. Actually got the meal timed perfectly, lots of great food (though, of course, phone rang just as we were about to sit down, and it was family we couldn't ignore..*sigh* but even so, things went pretty well.) The girls had a great time, oodles of snow to play in, with more falling all weekend.
But Sunday, things started to go downhill. We got up at an hour no one ever wants to see to get the girls to the airport on time for their flight back to their mom's. That trip was nicely uneventful, and we got back home in time to take a bit of a nap before having to get back up to go to church, or at least to sacrament meeting. Hubby had to be on Base that afternoon for a "bag check" which meant we weren't going to be able to stay for the whole meeting. BUt, we didn't even get that. While hubby was in the shower getting ready to go, we got a call from my step son. He informed us that he hadn't been feeling well for a few days and now he thought he should go to the emergency room. So, we had to go help take care of that. He'd skipped coming home with us for Thanksgiving so he could clean and paint the apartment he was moving into on the 1st (landlord said he'd waive the security deposit if they did this..) and turns out he should have worn a ventilation mask. The asthma that hadn't bothered him in years got woken up during the cleaning/paiting, and then, oh yeah, he had pnuemonia. So he was in the hospital for about 8 hours of treatment before they'd let him leave, and they really wanted to keep him over night, but he didn't want to stay...
Then this morning, I took hubby back to base to drop him off. Had to be there at 9 am.. so we get there, he turns in his bags, and they say, "ok, be back at 3" which we hadn't planned on. This was supposed to be a matter of dropping him off and coming back home.. so, plans changed. I certainly liked having the extra hours, but we both agreed it would have been nice to know about this in advance so we could have planned something.
Anyway, so when I get home, much later then planned (we'd left the house at 7:30 am and I got back around 4) discovered that a) the front door is stuck shut. It will not budge for anything. Fortunately I can get in through the garage, but, this is going to be a problem. And b) we left Gir (one of our tiny poms) on the sofa all day. She can actually jump off on her own, but she tends not to, and true to form, she stayed up there all day.. *sigh* needless to say, she ran for the dog door as soon as i got her off.
The front door though, that is really bugging me. I've tried a few things already tonight to try and pry the stupid thing open. None of them worked. Did talk to Hubby a bit while he was waiting for his plane and have a few more things to try, but I think I'm going to wait til tomorrow to try those. But, why???? Why do these things always happen as soon as he leaves?? He's going to be gone an entire year, you think the disasters could wait a few days.. weeks, months even...
Just really, REALLY frustrated right now. I'm supposed to be up at the church here in a few mintues, but I don't think I'm up for it tonight. I think at this point, I'm about up for crawling into bed andmaybe watching tv for a little while til I just completely become numb for a little while.
Hopefully tomorrow (which was supposed to be day 1 of my long de-stressing relaxation weekend before tackling all the post holiday clean-up..) I will be able to fix the stupid door and actually get myself pulled back together.